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Environmental planning and management during tender and execution of the Wheatstone Civils (ISBL & OSBL) and the Wheatstone Finishing Works.


Team members worked with Bechtel and Chevron to undertake limited engineering, design and procurement related to environmental planning and management: strict environmental approvals under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and associated ministerial conditions, permits and licenses; investigation and onsite management of acid sulfate soils and water quality for licensing and approvals; 126,400m2 of formwork, 220,000m3 of concrete and paving works and 794,000m3 of earthworks.

The Chevron operated Wheatstone Project was one of Australia's largest resource development projects.
The Wheatstone Project consisted of two LNG trains with a combined capacity of 8.9 million tonnes per annum and a domestic gas plant.

Enveng team members assisted contractor, Laing O’ Rourke, who provided engineering and construction services, delivering concrete, civil and finishing works to the Project.

We assessed the environmental risk profile of the Project during tender, planning and delivery, establishing the Environmental Management Framework following contract award.
Members of the Enveng team developed a framework to manage the environmental obligations for the Project, engaged a team of specialists to deliver the environmental requirements and conducted environmental audits throughout the Project life to assess compliance with the approved management plans, contractual obligations and regulatory conditions.

A critical environmental engineering element to this Project was the construction of eight meter deep sumps within the ISBL and OSBL designed to handle spills and runoff following rain-events.
Sacrificial sheet piling was used to construct the sumps due to absence of space for temporary works. Soils were identified as potential acid sulfate soils and groundwater was required to be lowered up to a maximum of six meters.

Members of our team prepared an Acid Sulfate Soil and Dewatering Management Plan.
Our team members conducted several site investigations to determine hydraulic conductivity at each sump, infiltration rates and associated site wide groundwater quality for licensing and approvals. Additionally our team aided the site team with preparing the regulatory close out reporting and conducted the final review prior to relinquishing the dewatering licence.

Tel: 1300 081 169

1/39 Boranup Ave, Clarkson,

WA 6030



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Enveng Group

This site has been designed exclusively by Enveng Group Staff members.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Region and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

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